Just here to help, I think...

Monday, July 28, 2003

So life sent me another curveball this weekend, or was it a right punch to the chin. Literally it was a right puch to the chin. So I recently lost my job, and then this weekend I get attacked by some random guy for no apparent reason. I'm thinking that bad shit happens in bunches so hopefully this batch of shit is finally over. So here's the story...

I'm leaving my apartment to meet some frinds for drinks and about two houses up from my place ths guy walking the opposite direction veers towards me and yells "mother fucker" and then puches me. We fall to the ground and I guess the tries to pin me down but I struggled out and saw that there were three ladies walking into their apartment. I yelled for them to call 911 and at that point the guy gets up, says "get the fuck off of me!", like I attacked him and walks off down the street (with his pants pulled down past his ass. I guess I put up more of a fight than he expected).

So overall I'm really not all that fazed that this happened, but the part that really sketches me out is the fact that the women that were going into their apartment and that I yelled at to call 911 didn't do anything. They didn't call 911, they ignored it like they didn't see anythig, yet they were only a few feet away. I don't expect anyone to jump in and be my savior but I do expect them to call the cops. They couldn't even be bothered to do this. In NYC practically everyone has a cell phone so odds are that one of them had one, but let's assume that out of all the people in NYC these are three women that did not have one. Well they were going into their apartment at the time this was all happening. If these three women did not have a cell phone between them then they most certainly had a phone in their apartment. They never called. I know this because once the guy was off of me I called 911 from my cell phone and once the dispatcher put the call in the cops came about 20-30 seconds later. I was the one that got the cops to finally come.

The other kicker was that while the guy was walking away, and I say WALKING, the dispacher was asking me all kinds of questions about me. My phone number my address, etc... what the fuck is this?? They guy is leaving and I'm watching him get away and this lady is asking questions that at that point really don't matter. AAAAAAGH!! So needless to say he got away. No I'm not hurt badly and overall the experience will be chalked up to the "that's life" category but Im more bothered by the women that saw the whole thing and the dispacher that thought my personal information was more important than actually catching the guy. This is what makes people that commit crimes feel like they can get away with it. They know that people won't do anything and that the cops are going to take too long to get there. Can it be any more perfect for them? We might as well give up any assuption of safety on the streets. When someone gets attacked we might as well blame the victim and say "hey, you were walking down the street, what do you expect?". If we can't rely on our neighbors (and yes these were my neighbors, they live one building down from me) to lend a helping hand then what can we expect from society as a whole. AAAAAgh! Appearently nothing. Peolple have learned to ignore the things around then and live in an insular world where they will only reach out if they absolutely have to. Well it's easy to understand why so many criminals go unpunished. Well I gotta say, if I ever see you getting attacked on the street I will do what I can to help you in your situation, and the next time you see someone getting attacked I hope you will do the same, who knows maybe it will be me again. Please don't ignore it when someone yells for help. I definitely appreciate it and the person you help will be forever grateful. Now I'm just filled with contempt for my neighbors and I don't like that.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Waiting waiting...

So here I am, one of the hundreds of people in this city looking for work. I thought for a while that I'd try my hand at freelancing. BIG MISTAKE!! Of course I decide this when the unemployment rate is the highest it's been in 10 years. As a freelancer you can get screwed with no explaination and you just gotta take it like it's not a problem. WELL IT IS A PROBLEM, DAMMIT!! It's a pain in the ass is what it is. But you just gotta get up dust yourself off, spit the broken tooth out of your mouth and keep going. So things are never too much that you can't handle it. As long as you're breating and you have control of your senses you'll make it at least to the next day. Go to sleep get some rest, maybe tomorrow things will be better. Well I gotta admit I am a little better off than some and worse off than others. I've already had an interview technically less than one day after I was let go from my freelance position. So that's a bright spot in life. I have another interview tomorrow; Hey check it out, two bright spots. So that's what I'm referring to when I say that I'm waiting. This is the wors part of the interview process. You can never really know for sure. You can go in and wow the interviewer, leave feeling like you've made a new best frind or such and such, but then you get the call that they have a restraining order against you (of couse that's nerver happened to me, But never say never) and you can also go in and get the cold "Don't call us we'll call you", and then they actually call. You never know, it's just one of those things. It's like waiting for water to boil. I keep looking at my phone to see if I've missed a call and guess what, I haven't. I keep cheking my messages to see if my phone just hasn't realized that I have a message yet, guess what, yep, still no message. So I wait, and wait. When you're mesuring time by how much money you have all of the sudden you realize what it means when people say time is money, but I think that's someting said by rich people who are making money and are mesuring how much they're making by the minute, while I'm mesuring how much I'm loosing. So it comes to the phylisophical thought, how do you mesure life? Hopefully not by money, but when you live in an expensive city it is hard not to be concerned about it. Alas, all is not lost. Unemployent for a freelancer is not the same as unemployment for a regular wage earner. I have been working, but it's not quite the same when you don't know if you're going to be at the same spot for more than one or two days. I used to hate working in a big corporate enviroment, but now that I know how fickle freelance jobs can be I now have a new found appeciation or the everyday wage earning job. I made a daring escape, and I thought I'd covered all my tracks and that the hounds had lost my trail, but now I'm begging to be thrown back in. I'd even be willing to do a stint in solitary if that's what it takes. Who knows. Go back lay low, bide my time and when I've made enough being a creative entrepreneur (read Shawshank Redemption) maybe someday I'll try my escape again.

On another note, as long as I'm alive life is good (so far)

Thursday, July 17, 2003

I hope that I'm on this site. I haven't got confirmation yet, but, yeah I'm on the "C" line in brooklyn for anyone who's interested.

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

So here I am, jumping on the blog bandwagon seeing what its like to put a journal online. I've never put a journal together and I really don't know if I have the motivation to actually post on a regular basis.

The thing I find most interesting about this "experiment" is the idea of telling things about my life to random anonymous people. It makes me think about how forthcoming I'll be. Will I be a prude and just let the surface show, or will I have the testicular fortitde to bear all. Like a flasher in the park opening himself up to ridicule and screams (or hoots from his less shy victims). Anyhow, this could be an interesting if not a totally senseless activity.

*standing up* Ahem.. Hello my name is Joe and I'm a blogger..

*everyone* Hello joe!

today is the first day of the rest of this blog...